Software Market Report | Eastern Europe

SourceSeek is proud to release our newest data study, SourceSeek Market Report | Eastern Europe. This 37-page report features exclusive data gathered from partners across the globe, and delivers in-depth insights into the software market in Eastern Europe. Inside you’ll find data on pricing, government quality, education levels, and much more to help you make an informed decision about your software development needs.


The global marketplace for software services is growing rapidly, highly dynamic, and subject to the influence of a wide variety of outside forces. Such forces include political events, macroeconomic changes, culture, and conflict.

In order to keep pace with this rapid rate of change, SourceSeek constantly monitors the marketplace. We collect data from thousands of software vendors worldwide to identify and report on market conditions and trends. We use that data to produce reports tailored to the savvy software-buying decision maker who seeks to make informed decisions about which country or region to choose, how much to pay, and how to ensure a good cultural and logistical fit between themselves and their remote team.

This report focuses exclusively on one of the world’s most mature and successful regions—Eastern Europe. The following sections will provide a more detailed view of Eastern Europe based on SourceSeek’s core criteria:

  • Technical Specialization
  • Industry Experience
  • Price
  • Education
  • Government & Economy
  • IT Ecosystem
  • Culture
  • Logistics

You will get an in-depth analysis of how Eastern Europe compares to other software outsourcing regions, as well as how individual countries within Eastern Europe compare to one another. Our goal is to provide you with a full picture of Eastern Europe’s software development ecosystem, so you can decide if working with a remote team in the region is the right choice for your business.

To download the entirety of this 37-page report for free, just enter your email below (we won’t spam you!).

Dave Meyer

Growth at SourceSeek
Dave Meyer is a data scientist, food lover, and an evangelist for offshore development.